The "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" passed by congress last year will affect all taxpayers in one way (refund), or another (balance due); deductions have been reduced (some eliminated), while the tax brackets have gone down. To wrap it up in a "nut-shell"- "Higher income subject to a lower tax bracket opposed to Lower income subject to a higher tax bracket"; those with 3 or more dependent children under the age of 17 will fare the best. We will explain the changes with this year's tax prep.
State returns did not conform - so you will still need to keep track of your expenses and deductions as you have in the past.
The "Tax Cuts and Jobs Act" will afford most small business entities (Sole Proprietors, S-Corps, Partnerships, LLC returns), with 20% of net profits as a deduction from taxable income (subject to limitations).
C-Corps and LLC's elected to be treated as C-Corps, will be taxed at a flat tax of 21%
CA State minimum $800.00 tax is due on April 15th of the current year, i.e. $800.00 payment for April 2019 is for the year 2019. If we need to file an extension, please contact us for your $800.00 payment voucher (so you won't be late).